Professional Records
Real Estate Brokers

Donna Mergen, Spokane WA Agent
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Spokane, WA
(509) 710-5452 (Phone)
Spokane, WA
(509) 710-5452 (Phone)
Buying or selling a home is generally a very emotional experience. I want to make that experience a good one. Good communication with answers to your questions and follow through. It is important to me to earn your trust and for you to feel comfortable that I will do everything needed as the manager of your real estate transaction.
No home should be without a loving furry friend. They bring us so much joy and we can bring joy to them too by saving them from the animal shelters. With each real estate transaction I offer my clients an adoption certificate to Spokanimal to find a pet to welcome to their new home. If the choice is not to adopt the certificate is then donated to Spokanimal to apply to an adoption. They are furry, they are fun and loving....let's find homes for them. Adoptions for 2007... Mystique a 5 mos old female Pit Mix,Jewel a 9 mos, female domestic short hair cat, Thomas a 2 yr old male domestic m hair, Amaya an 8 mos female Border Collie mix, Bruno an adult male Malamute, Willie a male kitten, Tyson a 1 year old male Great Dane/Mastiff (bet he's a big one!) Tango a 5 mos old male Rottweiler/Shepherd, Harley a 2 year old male Basador, Kemo a female Austr/Shep puppy, Petey a senior male Peekinese, Domino a 1 year old male Beagle, Outback Jane a female Aus/Shep puppy and Tuffy a 3 year old male minature Pincher PLUS...4 clients who opted to adopt to add something furry to their new home!
I have lived in the Spokane area for over 30 years and absolutely love it here. I know the area well and what is has to offer. My background before real estate was in the medical field as a nurse for 14 years and as a Sr. Sales Director for a cosmetic company for 17 years. I am so excited and enthusiastic about my career as a realtor and with that entusiasm I bring to you communication and all the time and effort it takes to see that your transaction goes smoothly. I have gained many friendships through my clients and am always willing to offer my references from them to you. YOUR best interests are always in mind!