
Delia Alzate Phones & Addresses

  • 724 Mohawk St, Allentown, PA 18103 (610) 797-6219
  • 1216 W Cumberland St APT 10, Allentown, PA 18103


Position: Craftsman/Blue Collar


Degree: High school graduate or higher


Us Patents

Combination Garment Including Hat, Scarf And Gloves

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US Patent:
20120066812, Mar 22, 2012
Sep 16, 2010
Appl. No.:
Delia Alzate - Allentown PA, US
International Classification:
A41D 19/00
A41D 27/20
A42B 1/04
A42B 5/00
US Classification:
2159, 2207, 2247, 2202
The present invention may be described as a combination of a hat or hood with material extending outward and downward from the lower portions of the rear section of the hat or hood in the form of opposing sections of a scarf. The first and second scarf portions are capable of being fastened together by a Velcro closure, zipper, or similar apparatus and have at the far end of each scarf portion pockets for permitting the insertion of each hand of the wearer for warming. Each pocket may additionally have an elasticized opening for retaining the hands within the pocket.
Delia Alzate from Allentown, PADeceased Get Report