US Patent:
20030116625, Jun 26, 2003
Debora Litwiller - Rochester NY, US
Philip Blair - Fairport NY, US
International Classification:
What is disclosed herein is an identification apparatus and method comprising an array of retractable pins in association with a housing attached to a base component through which each pin individually passes. The apparatus is attached to a primary device and in communication therewith. Each retractable pin is in individual physical contact with spring tension means positioned below the pin and located in a containment sleeve within the housing. Each spring continuously exerts pressure on the base of their respective pins so as to push the pin up through the base component. At the base of each spring is a pressure sensitive pad in communication with the primary device. A set of shaped identifiers is also disclosed each having a plurality of holes through which respective pins on the array of retractable pins pass and each identifier uniquely configured with at least one distinct location containing a plug or ‘cap’ fitted therein which blocks the passage therethrough of that particular pin thereby forcing said pin to retract into the base component's housing underneath and exerting pressure on the pin's associated spring. Means for alignment and orientation are also disclosed. Once one or more identifiers have been fitted onto the array of retractable pins, the primary device thereafter identifies the placed identifiers by each identifier's plug location and by the amount of pressure exerted by each spring's pressure sensitive pad. Once individual identifiers are known, the primary device can subsequently perform certain functions or other desired operations based on the type, configuration, and/or number of identifiers placed thereon.