US Patent:
20200062507, Feb 27, 2020
- Milwaukee WI, US
Jason Ocain - Saint Francis WI, US
Tony Hill - Wauwatosa WI, US
Dean Panas - New Berlin WI, US
International Classification:
B65G 13/07
B65G 13/04
B65G 39/12
H02K 7/08
H02K 7/10
A roller system has a frame, a plurality of rollers (supported by the frame) forming a roller plane, and an external rotor motor (“motor”) spaced from the roller plane. As an external rotor motor, the motor has a stator and an external rotor radially outward of the stator to substantially circumscribe the stator. To kinetically couple the motor with the rollers, the system also has a transmission coupling coupled with the external rotor and at least one of the rollers. The transmission coupling and external rotor are configured so that rotation of the external rotor causes the at least one roller to rotate in response to a torque received through the transmission coupling.