US Patent:
20140162533, Jun 12, 2014
- Chicago IL, US
Michael Parent - Greenbank WA, US
Alan Glasscock - Freeland WA, US
Craig Charlton - Snohomish WA, US
Peter Bui - Lynnwood WA, US
Loren Fiske - Snohomish WA, US
Danny Lee Beaman - Kent WA, US
The Boeing Company - Chicago IL
International Classification:
B24D 7/18
B24B 19/22
Cutting tools and machining methods using cutting tools are disclosed. An example cutting tool comprises a shank and a head on the shank, the head comprising a diamond abrasive-coated cutting surface, the cutting head having grooves interrupting the cutting surface and extending from the cutting surface toward an axis of rotation of the head, the cutting surface having a substantially constant radius.