Sykes Asia Manila - Customer Service Representative (2000-2004)
Accent Marketing - Customer Service Representative (2005-2005)
CEU-Manila - AB MassCommunication, PCU- Manila - High School, CCES - Elementary
I'm Divine Cruz-Lopez, just call me Vang. Full time mom to Jeremy & Bryce & wifey of Jerome Ian Lopez. Welcome to my Google + account. Add me to your circle. =)
SuperMOM, superWIFEY, superSISTER, superDAUGHTER, superFRIEND...just a superGIRL.
Bragging Rights:
Graduate of Mass communication, full time mom to 2 adorable boys, loving wife to my Jlo, planning to put up my own home day care, loves watching my favorite TV shows, living here in the faraway land, away from my family in the Philippines