US Patent:
20010032104, Oct 18, 2001
Ralph Hall - Houston TX, US
Conrad Zeiler - Seabrook TX, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
705/005000, 705/009000, 705/040000
A computer program, a computer system and a method are disclosed for scheduling and managing the overnight accommodation of people in establishments providing lodging. The program, system and method may be used by any organization or business entity having personnel that travel on a regular basis with overnight layovers away from home base, such as an airline, or any organization or business entity that manages or schedules the overnight accommodations of people in establishments providing lodging. In an airline operation, a computer program at a facility of the airline assigns layovers to specific hotels and creates the required reports for each hotel. These reports reports are packaged in a digital archive for each hotel which is placed on a magnetic material or an optical storage material for transfer to the hotel, is sent to the hotel via E-mail or is placed in a location on the INTERNET for access by the hotel or in a digital storage area accessible by the hotel. A computer program installed in the hotel accepts and processes the packaged file to generate reports and sheets to be used by the hotel.