US Patent:
20090184828, Jul 23, 2009
Charles A. Speller - Newark NJ, US
International Classification:
G08B 23/00
B60Q 1/00
A driver alerting device includes body that is adapted to be worn around a driver's neck. The driver alerting device is configured to emit alert signals when a triggering event is detected. The alert signals are configured in such a manner to adequately notify the driver of the dangerous driving condition. The triggering event may be defined by a position of the driver's head/neck regions, such as when the chin or jaw line dip as the driver begins to fall asleep at the wheel. A neck position determining mechanism is provided for alerting the driver when his/her neck/head has dropped below a minimum threshold level. If such an event has occurred, at least one alert signal is emitted for notifying the driver of the dangerous situation.