
Cade Pichette Phones & Addresses

  • Stevens Point, WI
  • Plover, WI
  • Tomah, WI


Company: Bob's furniture city Apr 2009 Position: Sales associate/customer service


School / High School: Tomah High Schol- Tomah, WI 2004


Skills I have a wide range of skills tha... • Excel • and Power Point. I am able to communicat... • as well as using various tools associate... • I am willing to learn anything new that ...



Cade Pichette Photo 1

Cade Pichette Plover, WI

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Bob's Furniture City

Apr 2009 to Dec 2013
Sales Associate/Customer Service

Design Masonry, LLC

Jun 2007 to Nov 2007

Skills I have a wide range of skills that I have developed in the short time that I have acquired from the jobs that I have had since I have graduated from school. I do know how to use a computer proficiently and also how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point. I am able to communicate with customers/clients well and am able to relationship with them so they feel comfortable with what they are purchasing. Heavy lifting is something that is not new to me, as well as using various tools associated with the construction world. To sum it up, I am willing to learn anything new that I have not been taught and I am motivated to be able to use what I have been taught to excel in a company.
Cade D Pichette from Stevens Point, WI, age ~34 Get Report