US Patent:
20070266583, Nov 22, 2007
Brady M. Furrow - Roanoke VA, US
International Classification:
G01D 21/00
A flat lay-out tape for roofers that eliminates errors and saves time in striking chalk lines for aligning rows of shingles. The flat design allows the tape to lay flush against the roof surface, which facilitates accurate measuring and striking. The lay-out tape prevents errors by providing row indicators for different shingles on different sides of the tape. In the preferred embodiment, row indicators for standard shingles are shown on one side of the tape, and row indicators for architectural shingles are provided on the other side. Standard measuring tape markings can also be provided on either side of the tape. In operation, the terminal end of a lay-out tape is tacked down near the bottom of a roof, near a side edge of the roof, and the tape is extended over the apex of the roof. The same is done with a second lay-out tape, near the opposite side edge of the roof. A chalk line is then stretched, and struck, between corresponding indicators of the two lay-out tapes. The present invention drastically reduces the number of manual markings needed on a typical roof, from hundreds down to four.