US Patent:
20020095852, Jul 25, 2002
Thomas Bosteels - Salt Lake City UT, US
Brad Marden - Ogden UT, US
International Classification:
The present invention provides a unique boom assembly for a brine shrimp harvesting device. More specifically, a novel boom assembly with replaceable modular panels is disclosed. The modular panels maybe water-permeable to trap brine shrimp eggs, while permitting water to pass out of the harvesting device. The modular panels may hang downward into a body of water from a boom, and may be weighted at the bottom end by an anchoring line. Each modular panel may be removably attached, through the use of suitable quick-release fastening mechanisms, to the boom, to the anchoring line, and to each adjacent modular panel. Thus, repair of the boom assembly may be rapidly carried out by replacing any damaged modular panel, without moving the boom assembly to any land-based facility. The boom assembly may therefore be used for continued harvesting while the damaged modular panel is repaired at a convenient location.