By Friday, March 13, she couldnt take it anymore. She headed to a family care clinic in Bushland, about 20 minutes away, Billy Scroggins said. There, she tested negative for the flu and strep throat and her temperature had dipped.
Three days later, Billy Scroggins was diagnosed with COVID-19. Scroggins, who has asthma, had to use his inhaler more, but mostly felt weak and tired. He felt better shortly after receiving a Z-Pack, which is an antibiotic, on the day he was diagnosed.
Allred had to tell Scroggins that people couldnt attend the funeral not only because of the executive order that only 10 people could gather at a time, but because Billy Scroggins and his daughter were still quarantined.
Billy Scroggins is celebrating the birth of his 21-year-old sons first child, and going to work. Hell miss his wifes smile and the way she dragged him out of the house and her edict that, no matter how annoyed they got with each other, theyd always figure it out.