
Billy Cagle Phones & Addresses

  • Toney, AL
  • New Market, AL
  • 14234 Highway 231 431 N, Hazel Green, AL 35750 (256) 693-4004
  • 165 Terry Ln, Hazel Green, AL 35750 (256) 693-4443
  • Bridgeport, AL
  • 2573 County Road 96, Stevenson, AL 35772
  • 2727 County Road 96, Stevenson, AL 35772
  • 1406 Steamplant Rd, Stevenson, AL 35772
  • 127 Bank St, Stevenson, AL 35772
  • South Pittsburg, TN
  • 165 Terry Ln, Hazel Green, AL 35750

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Billy Carl Cagle
Cagle and Dean Enterprises, Incorporated
Hytop, AL


Us Patents

Casting Method And Apparatus

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US Patent:
6923239, Aug 2, 2005
Sep 2, 2003
Appl. No.:
Billy J. Cagle - Huntland TN, US
Paul E. Flick - Indianapolis IN, US
Arthur D. Parks - Greenfield IN, US
Edward A. Reelfs - Davenport IA, US
International Engine Intellectual Property Company, LLC - Warrenville FL
International Classification:
US Classification:
164 5, 164130, 164137, 164323, 164339, 164394
The use of green sand is eliminated by replacing green sand molds with all core sand assemblies that provide, during casting, both the internal and external surfaces of a casting, such as a cylinder head or engine block. In the process, a mold is formed from the same core sand that is used to form the core elements defining the internal passageways of the casting. A mold-core carrier is constructed with downwardly converging sides that hold assembled mold and core elements together, without fasteners, during transportation and pouring of the molten iron alloy into the mold-core assembly and the cooling period to form the casting. After the casting is formed, the core sand from both the mold elements and core elements is recovered, and may be recycled and processed to form further mold elements or core elements or both.
Billy Joe Cagle from Toney, AL, age ~51 Get Report