US Patent:
20040092328, May 13, 2004
Bernard Patsky - Shrewsbury MA, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
473/292000, 473/349000, 473/324000
Golf club head consisting of a balance plane, that subdivides the head, that derives markings visible on the club head face, containing multiple Sweet Spots indicating the ideal points of contact with a golf ball regardless of whether the golf ball is lying on the ground, on a golf tee or otherwise, together with markings visible on club head face and or top indicating alignment and methods of use, also used as a visual aid of club head and golf ball to the target, with and without parallax correction, with methods and tools for determining same, with related design improvements and methods of use on golf club head components having one Sweet Spot. The markings are determined by intersecting lines, planes and axes. The markings may be determined for an existing golf club or for a custom fitted golf club regardless of whether the golf club has a flat or curved base. The location of the markings may vary from golfer to golfer and from club to club depending upon parameters, or the markings may be located so as to be generic.