Larry G. Stolarczyk - Raton NM, US
Tito Sanchez - Raton NM, US
Gerald Stolarczyk - Raton NM, US
Beaux Beard - Raton NM, US
Eduardo Bonnin - Raton NM, US
Ernest Salazar - Raton NM, US
John Myers - Raton NM, US
Chance Valentine - Raton NM, US
Robert Troublefield - Raton NM, US
John Howard - Raton NM, US
International Classification:
G01V 3/12
A system for detection of linear underground anomalies passing under surface roads comprises an electromagnetic (EM) gradiometer mounted on a vehicle trailer. A transmitter is mounted to the front bumper of a car or vehicle towing the trailer and provides carrier synchronization information to the EM-gradiometer. An opportunistic radio station can be used as an illuminator. The transmitter or ground wave from an opportunistic radio station directs radio waves down into the ground where objects like linear underground anomalies and their equipment will produce reflections and scattered waves. These reflections will have phase angles and magnitudes that can be interpreted for characterizing information about the linear underground anomalies. Each EM-gradiometer measurement is tagged with GPS location information and then stored in a database. Subsequent passes over the same roadways and tracks are compared (change detection) to the earlier stored data.