one of the greatest and most mercurial artists of the 20th century, for almost 22 years longer than any of his previous three marriages. But Barbara Sinatra used her husband's fund-raising clout to build the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center to help abused children at Eisenhower Medical Center.
Barbara Sinatra continued to host the fund-raising tournament and gala parties and luncheons, through 2016. It will return in a revamped format in December as the Frank and Barbara Sinatra Classic at Bighorn to continue her legacy.
ested the entry hall because youll be going to the concert already. The entry hall, combined with the auditorium, cost $100,000, but Knutson told her, OK, put me down for that. Then Frank agreed to purchase the auditorium and the Barbara Sinatra Childrens Center was on its way.
is facility has the capacity to do both a medical exam and a forensic interview, he said. Because were located in one facility, we can triage that child right into counseling. Without the Barbara Sinatra Center, that wouldnt happen and a lot of those kids would fall through the cracks.
Now there is again concern about the future of the main fundraiser for the Barbara Sinatra Childrens Center. But Thoresen said it will continue Dec. 10-12 at Bighorn Golf Club with major contributors receiving premier tickets to Barry Manilows Gift of Love show at the McCallum on Dec. 12 the 102