Barry M. Verdegan - Stoughton WI, US
Jerald J. Moy - Oregon WI, US
Scott W. Schwartz - Cottage Grove WI, US
Andrew P. Perr - Columbus IN, US
Mark V. Holzmann - Stoughton WI, US
Peter K. Herman - Stoughton WI, US
Michael T. Zuroski - Sun Prairie WI, US
Brian W. Schwandt - Fort Atkinson WI, US
Cummins Filtration IP, Inc. - Minneapolis MN
International Classification:
B01D 46/00
An engine air management system is provided for an internal combustion engine generating blowby gas in a crankcase containing engine oil and oil aerosol. The system includes combinations of two or more of an air-oil separator, an air filter, and an acoustic silencer.