US Patent:
20150172565, Jun 18, 2015
- Hartford CT, US
Andrew Consiglio - Southbury CT, US
Christopher J. Lehane - South Windsor CT, US
Mark F. Zelesky - Bolton CT, US
International Classification:
H04N 5/33
G06T 7/60
G06T 11/60
A method for thermally imaging a moving workpiece of a gas turbine engine comprises identifying a plurality of geometric features to construct a composite image. The geometric features include at least one integral thermal feature of the moving workpiece, and at least one artificial feature applied to the workpiece for diagnostic purposes. One of the plurality of geometric features is identified as a master feature, and the remainder of the plurality of geometric features are located relative to the master feature with relative actual coordinates. A pixel location of the master feature is identified or each image, and the remainder of the plurality of geometric features are located relative to the master feature with relative pixel coordinates. Offset, rotation, and scaling of the secondary images are varied to minimize a relative difference between the relative pixel coordinates and the relative actual coordinates. The offset, rotated, and scaled secondary images are combined with the reference image to form a composite image.