
Alexandra Nanopoulos Phones & Addresses

  • 56 Chandler Rd, White Riv Jct, VT 05001 (603) 667-6411
  • White River Junction, VT


Company: Maurices Nov 2008 Position: Manager


School / High School: Lebanon High School- Lebanon, NH Jun 2008 Specialities: Education


Professional Experience DAILY OPENI... • the daily tasks consisted of opening and... • opening the drawers • and going through reports of the previou... • this game plan would be used throughout ... • a monthly sales plan would need to get f... • setting up current marketing signs • or making sales floor changes were encou... • counting out the nightly bank deposit • and cleaning the sales floor area. R... • straighten the clothing on every rack in... • and making sure all accessory areas were... • separating the drawer cash fund • and collecting checks and cash into a de... • all of the daily receipts were to be rec...



Alexandra Nanopoulos Photo 1

Alexandra Nanopoulos White River Junction, VT

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Nov 2008 to 2000

C & S Pizza
White River Junction, VT
Jun 2008 to May 2009

White River Junction, VT
Oct 2008 to Oct 2008
Cashier/Product Sorter

Lebanon High School
Lebanon, NH
Jun 2008

Professional Experience DAILY OPENING RESPONSIBILITIES (MAURICES) As a key holder/manager, the daily tasks consisted of opening and closing down the business. Opening included counting out both registers cash funds, opening the drawers, and going through reports of the previous day of business. Along with analyzing reports a daily game plan was to be written based on the sales goals and events planned for that day, this game plan would be used throughout the day to track progress by all employees. In addition to writing a daily game plan, a monthly sales plan would need to get filled out comparing sales to the year before. Once the required responsibilities were completed any other tasks that could get done before opening such as putting out new merchandise, setting up current marketing signs, or making sales floor changes were encouraged. DAILY CLOSING RESPONSIBILITIES (MAURICES) Closing tasks consisted of recovering the entire store, counting out the nightly bank deposit, and cleaning the sales floor area. Recovery of the store included refolding all of the table items, straighten the clothing on every rack in the store, and making sure all accessory areas were tidy and customer ready. Counting out the nightly bank deposit entailed tallying up the cash from the entire store registers, separating the drawer cash fund, and collecting checks and cash into a deposit bag. Along with accumulating the deposit, all of the daily receipts were to be recorded and filed into a specific envelope with the sale reports for that day.
Alexandra Nanopoulos from White River Junction, VT, age ~34 Get Report