US Patent:
20140372236, Dec 18, 2014
Jason Sylvester - New York NY, US
Alana Sylvester - New York NY, US
International Classification:
G06Q 20/20
The present invention provides a method, apparatus, and program related to a Point of Sale (POS) web-based application/website and user interface that may be applied on any product that can be photographed, videoed, or transformed. The image created through the program can be provided to the customer electronically by email or other service who may want to purchase products or services listed in sequenced steps at a later date with auto generated links, while also allowing the retailer to be able to record the products the customer tried on or used but did not purchase. The program further enhances the shopping experience by allowing the customer or seller to record the sequenced steps with purchased and not purchased products used during any service for any product in any industry which then ties into the program's social media website or various other social media websites.