
Urban Alliance Intern
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Cics Longwood
Urban Alliance Intern
Urban Alliance Intern

Adriana Hudson
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Adriana Hudson Atlanta, GA
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Vistaflor Corporation
2011 to 2013
Social Media Manager
2011 to 2013
Social Media Manager
University of Connecticut
2006 to 2011
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
2006 to 2011
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Social Media Sites: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram, Tumblr, Foursquare, Yelp, Google, Reddit, Yahoo! Answers, Quora. Wordpress, Blogger, YouTube. Managing Tools: Hootsuite, SproutSocial, TweetDeck. Social Media Analytics and Other Tools: FollowerWonk, MOZ, Google Analytics, Hootsuite Analytics, Code Generators, Picmonkey, Facebook Power Editor, Microsoft Office, Netsuite (Business Management Software). Languages: Spanish & English: native level; Portuguese & Italian: proficiency level.