ne is legendary cultural polymath Nelson George. The other is the son of Willie Mays, Michael. The two had just finished a Q&A session following a screening of the HBO documentary Say Hey, Willie Mays!, which brought folks of all types out to the building that is also home of the Alabama Jazz Ha
entator Bob Costas says in the film. I remember asking Willie about this. There are no Black people on any of these sitcoms but Willie Mays would just show up, as if that was a natural course of things. So, heres Donna Reed having lunch with a white lady, and all of a sudden Willie Mays shows up. The inc
credibly believe that would hang up on the 44th president of this country for only lobbing a phone call and not showing up in person to his birthday party, or hilariously turning away St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson from his doorstep when he was in town for a lunch invitation is Willie Mays. B